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A new approach to employee engagement in the United States

Welcome to Frontline Portal. A solution designed to you get the most from your employees

Frontline Portal is...

One tool that empowers your HQ, managers and frontline workers
  • Engage your staff and never be disconnected from your frontline

  • Improve in-store execution and compliance

  • Enable employees to deliver memorable customer experiences

  • Task management, communication and micro learning



Bring your brand to life in the field

  • Create and share brand, promotional, and operational content

  • Target certain content to specific users and groups

  • Build community and engagement with your field team

  • Track engagement stats and encourage conversation and feedback

Frontline Portal - Engagement

Store execution

Task management
  • Share best practices across stores

  • Videos and attachments to aid task completion & task uploads to provide evidence on completion

  • Integrated two-way chat for real time feedback & support

  • Sort and filter tasks by status

  • Identify and work with stores that need support

Frontline Portal - Task Management

Files & Folders

A single repository
  • Manage and control all of your SOPs, manuals and directives from one place

  • Powerful content management with secure access for the field

  • Granular Rights Management to control permissions

  • Powerful search to support fast access to important content

Frontline Portal - Editorial


Configurable reporting
  • Track overall compliance and activity to pinpoint areas of interest

  • Compare regions and stores to close the gap between your best and worst stores

  • Highly configurable BI to visualise your data

  • Bring in third party data like foot traffic and sales to build a 3D model of how operational performance is driving success

Advanced Analytics - Header image 1000px

Take a tour!

Happy employees

Happy employees = engaged more productive workers = Better customer experience = Higher turnover.

Frontline Portal allows employees to be more engaged with the brand, and decreases the likelihood of them leaving.

By keeping your best employees businesses can save on recruiting and training.


What our customers say


“[Frontline Portal] has future-proofed our business with their advanced thinking on retail process. 

  • The quality of their customer service and support in the US is incredible.
  • They deliver on their word and invest in the product and their relationships.

Most importantly, my team and I have built genuine relationships with many members of the [Frontline Portal] team. It is only over time that a true gauge of integrity can be measured, which is why I am comfortable to write this reference.”

Tony Garrison - SVP Bath and BodyWorks

Get in touch to find out more

Enter your details and we'll be in touch to book a free, no-obligation demo with you.
  • Engage your staff

  • Improve in-store execution

  • Deliver memorable customer experiences

  • Provide task management, communication and micro learning