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Meet Leigh, our Product Communication Coordinator

Get to know the people behind your favorite product updates. We're happy to introduce you to Leigh Hutchens, Product Communication Coordinator at ..

Get to know the people behind your favorite product updates. We're happy to introduce you to Leigh Hutchens, Product Communication Coordinator at Quinyx.

Who are you and what is your role within Quinyx?

My name is Leigh Hutchens, and I’m the Product Communication Coordinator at Quinyx. I produce and maintain customer-facing product documentation in collaboration with the Quinyx Product team. I’m committed to constantly improving our user documentation and am looking forward to our future plans to innovate the customer documentation experience.



What are you currently working on with your team? 

What am I not working on?! Recently, we re-organized HelpDocs so that it more closely mirrors our web and mobile apps. We want our users to find the information they need as quickly and easily as possible. We’re also writing lots of articles about configuration because we want to make the configuration process easier for our users. I’m in constant communication with members of our Support, Customer Onboarding, and QA teams, and they always have great ideas for new articles. 

Offices are slowly opening up again. What is it that you're most looking forward to?

As an introvert, I’ve been pretty happy working at home, but I am looking forward to an office/remote hybrid. It’s fun to collaborate in person with colleagues, and so many interesting conversations happen spontaneously when I’m getting coffee or eating lunch in the kitchen.  I’m learning Swedish, so I’m also  looking forward to being around native speakers in the Stockholm office again so I can improve my conversational Swedish.

Who from the product team should we interview next time and why? 

Without a doubt, Malin, Head of Product. She’s worked at Quinyx for many years and has an incredible amount of knowledge about our products. I’m really excited about her plans for the Product team.

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