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Reducing scheduling time from hours to minutes with Quinyx

Learn how an award-winning quick-service restaurant optimized scheduling and streamlined employee communication with Quinyx.



  • 95% mobile adoption
  • Reduced scheduling time from hours to minutes
  • Leveraged AI forecasting and scheduling to right size their staffing during seasonal changes in volume
  • Streamlined employee communication 




A popular quick-service restaurant with 1,500+ employees in 90+ locations across the US had tried to work with other scheduling solutions but were unable to achieve the desired results. “We were essentially having to ask our managers to be experts at scheduling, to look at data for a few hours every week, which was impractical. We hire dynamic people and want them focused on hiring the right staff and running great stores - they shouldn’t be glued to computers. For them, the task of scheduling was a time suck.” They needed a system that was fully integrated into their business and made scheduling as simple as possible.


Unrivaled Support + All-in-One Solution = Seamless Implementation

They selected Quinyx as their workforce management platform because it offered the team an all-in-one solution that met the unique needs of their business. “The level of support has been fantastic, ensuring our team has everything we need in one system.” The result was a seamless implementation.

Rolling out a new system can be stressful and people are often hesitant to switch over, but implementing Quinyx across the business was hassle-free. They started with one location, and were pleasantly surprised with how easy the process was for their team. “Even in that initial implementation period, we were able to focus on other parts of the business because of how easy it was, and that’s a pattern which has continued throughout our time using Quinyx.”  

Using the app day-to-day

With Quinyx, everything is integrated in one place, making it very convenient and straightforward for the team to use. “The overall consensus from staff is that using Quinyx is so much easier, and the app is really user-friendly.

Team members love Quinyx’s auto-schedule for its time-saving capabilities. Plus, the HR team is reassured that the system is automatically compliant. “The best kind of feedback on something is usually when you hear very little – we only hear when things aren’t working well. So the silence on Quinyx speaks volumes!”   

Almost all (95%) of the team uses the Quinyx app to check when they’re working and have better ownership of their shifts. Qmail, Quinyx’s communication tool, is especially valuable for them, as many team members are seasonal hires, high-schoolers, etc., who don’t receive corporate emails. “We’re excited to hear more about the new messenger features that are being rolled out too.  It’s good to know Quinyx is committed to staying current and is constantly innovating with new updates.”

Greater strategic control

With Quinyx, everything is integrated in one place, making it very convenient and straightforward for the team to us As a rapidly growing company, they value Quinyx’s forecasting, which enables them to make more strategic decisions. “Managing labor better and more accurately gives us greater understanding and control over all aspects of the business, without being swamped by Excel spreadsheets. For example, despite a quieter period at the end of Q1 last year, we finished the year with our labor budget on track, as we were able to use Quinyx to optimize resourcing.”

Quinyx also enabled them to uncover unexpected savings: “It forced us to be more aware and focus on the small parts of a schedule, breaks, overlaps, and opens/closes. This resulted in savings we didn't realize were available for us."

“Implementing Quinyx was super easy and the level of support is fantastic.”

Store Manager

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