Looking at the Swedish labour market, and the number of employees with flexible agreements, aka temps, and comparing to users in Quinyx, we see that 1 out of 5 temps, in the whole of Sweden, use Quinyx. Looking at Quinyx's key industries, for example Retail and Restaurants, over half of all temps are using Quinyx.
This is of course great news for us at Quinyx, since we get more data and resources to make our product even better, so it also meets the needs of tomorrow. However, more importantly, it's great news for our customers (companies) and their staff.
Companies optimise their business with the help of our product, which often means following the pattern of their customers even better. This, and reduced administration, allow their staff to focus on what really matters. The staff, on their hand, get the power to control their time better, by more easily applying for more, or less, work. Also, they can engage with colleagues, apply for vacation etc. And, for both the company and the staff, Quinyx help keep track of laws, regulations, and agreements. Again, everyone can focus on the right things, at the right time, and enjoy work even more.
This kind of usage, 1 out of 5 temps or half in key-industries, means that Quinyx has far more work-opportunities than Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish state employer-agency. Also, this makes Quinyx the biggest employer in Sweden counting number of worked hours or shifts. Hence, what happens in Quinyx has a substantial impact on the labour market. And, since our mission is to get people to Enjoy Work, we hope that our +40% yearly growth will increase, so we can welcome even more companies & users!
You can read more about what we are up to on our blog, or watch some customer testimonials.
Enjoy Work!
Magnus Olausson - COO at Quinyx