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Celebrate success at work! The fun way to lift the workplace

How often do you celebrate your successes in the workplace? It can too be easy for us to become caught up in our day-to-day roles without pausing to ..

How often do you celebrate your successes in the workplace? It can too be easy for us to become caught up in our day-to-day roles without pausing to reflect and celebrate our successes.

Yet the simple act of recognition, acknowledging a job well done and celebrating together can contribute to everything from a healthier bottom-line to an improved culture. According to this 2015 study, which surveyed 823 HR professionals, values-based employee recognition improves employee engagement, increases employee happiness, improves employee relationships and leads to higher levels of staff retention.

 There are many different ways to celebrate success. The secret is finding what works for you, your business and your employees. For some it will be after work events once key milestones and targets are reached, for others it may be rewarding staff when they are performing well. It’s important to make sure this kind of celebration is open and transparent with employees knowing how the reward and recognition process works.

 At Quinyx, we place great value in creating an inspiring culture and we celebrate our successes in the following ways:

  • Every year we hold our very own Quinyx Awards. All our employees have the opportunity to vote for their colleagues in categories like ‘Rookie of the Year,’ ‘Enjoy Work Champion of the Year,’ and ‘Quinyxer of the Year.’ The winners are announced at our Christmas party and, as our HR Manager, Karin Wintle, says: “It’s a great way to sprinkle some stardust on extraordinary colleagues!”

  • Also at the Christmas party, we celebrate the most successful sales rep of the year.

  • Last year we had our ‘R&D Heroes’ where employees in our development team could send in feedback for a colleague they felt deserved extra recognition.

  • We use Slack as our main communication channel and we’re good at celebrating small and large sales wins through here so everyone in the organisation has visibility of our successes.

  • We also have special celebrations for employees who hit their two and five year anniversary of working with us.

 Alongside this we also hold monthly after work events, weekly meetings attended by all our employees and fun team building events through the year (like when we all went to play ice hockey!).

While we pride ourselves on having a lot of fun at work and celebrating together, it’s also important for us to be able to admit when we’ve made a mistake. That’s why we have a ‘Wall of Fail’ where Quinyxers can describe when they’ve made a mistake. We’ve found this to be a great way to improve communication and share learnings.

One of our goals is to create a smiling workforce and help people to enjoy work. And celebrating and recognising successes is a fantastic way of doing this. 

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